Sunday, August 14, 2011

Searching for the best sleep apnea cures?Sleep apnea treatment

Millions of people are searching for the best sleep apnea cures. This condition may be more common that you think. It is a disorder that occurs when one's breathing pauses, stops or is reduced for a few seconds to as long as a few minutes. It happens more frequently with adults but also occurs in children, although more rarely. There are three different types: central, obstructive and mixed or complex. Central (CSA) occurs when the brain does not signal your diaphragm muscles to contract so you can actually breathe. Obstructive (OSA) takes place when proper air flow is not maintained as when the airway in the throat becomes blocked, narrowed or floppy. Mixed or complex is a combination of both central and obstructive. Breathing pauses can occur as often as five to thirty times within an hour. OSA is by far the most common type, followed by complex and most rarely CSA.More than fourteen million people are affected by this sleep disorder. And many more remain undiagnosed. It is estimated that nine percent of women and 24 percent of men have this disorder but have not yet been diagnosed. This is because this is a condition that is not detected during a routine medical exam or by a blood test. Typically it is first brought to light by a family member who notices some of the symptoms such as loud snoring, a sudden stop in breathing for a minute or more followed by gasping for air or restless flailing during sleep.Sleep apnea treatment can be difficult. Not all forms of sleep apnea can be addressed with the same treatment. Those who suffer from apnea can also have complex cases where more than one factor is involved in causing the apnea requiring the use of different treatments in order to cure the disorder.Check the link if your searching for the best sleep apnea cures.It helped me with a valuable source of info to improve my sleep.